The 360buy delivery system is so effective that by the end of the year, Liu is going to farm it out, allowing any company to use it for a fee& including e-commerce archrivals like Dangdang. 鉴于京东的快递系统如此有效,刘强东打算在今年年底前将它打造成一个开放系统,允许任何其他公司付费使用此系统&包括京东在电子商务领域的主要竞争对手当当网(Dangdang)。
You can download the language ( in source code or binary form) and use it without paying a license fee. 我们可以(以源代码或二进制的格式)下载这个语言,并可以免费地使用它。
Make sure you don` t have a sleeper card, one you hardly use but still pay an annual fee for, in your wallet. 看看你的钱包里是否有张睡眠卡&很少使用却还在付年费的卡。
A subscription plan has been initiated whereby a donor in HK can use a nominal fee to support those quake children of the Qing Chuan to have reasonable meals. 发起认捐运动,支助受地震影响的青川地区特别贫困学员的膳食。以香港人认为十分廉宜的价钱,让每位灾民儿童获得饱餐。
Betray a person to remove of the contract, can request to pay this the use fee of the content of mark to vendee. 出卖人解除合同的,可以向买受人请求支付该标的物的使用费。
The land development funds are composed by land development and municipal accessory facilities fee, land use fee, increment fee of land value and other profits on the land. 土地开发基金由土地开发与市政配套设施金、土地使用费、土地增值费及土地上的其他收益构成。
Be not the circumstance that the technology need not pay to use fee between affiliated enterprise, this is a kind, with the technology use expenses offsets the payment for goods between them, other perhaps and indebted. 非关联企业间可以不支付技术使用费的情况,这个是一种,用技术使用费来抵消他们之间的货款,或者其他负债。
During the term of the contract, if the site use fee is adjusted, it shall be paid at the new rate beginning from the year of adjustment. 在合同期内,场地使用费如有调整,应当自调整的年度起按新的费用标准缴纳。
Grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee. 为收取一定的费用而向别人提供服务或允许他临时使用。
Five to twenty RMB yuan per square meter per year in areas where the development fee and the site use fee are computed and charged together; 一开发费和使用费综合计收的地区,为每年每平方米五元至二十元;
I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes. 嗯,就是差不多大概一千多,两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱,要交学费。
Enterprises are free of charge of the land use fee during the construction period and enjoy deferral of the fixed assets investment adjustment tax. 中外企业在建设期间免交土地使用费,缓征固定资产投资方向调节税。
Within three years, they shall be exempted from Resources Tax, Slaughtering Tax, Agricultural Tax and Agricultural Specialty Tax and Land Use Fee is exempted for ten years. 三年内免征资源税、屠宰税、农业税、农业特产税和免收十年土地使用费;
Study on Measurement on Commercial Forest Resources Price and Adjustment of Standard of Use Fee 商品性林地资源价格与调整林地资源使用费标准的研究
To attract African merchants," the center "of the enterprise in Africa will give a fixed maturity from the site use fee, property management fee etc and many preferential measures. 为吸引非洲客商,“中心”将对入驻的非洲企业给予一定期限的免场地使用费、物业管理费等多项优惠措施。
Those who do not apply to extend the term of land use upon expiration of the term of land use shall pay a default penalty equal to 0.1% of the land use fee for every day in arrears. 对土地使用期满不申请延长土地使用期者,按日加收滞纳土地使用费千分之一的滞纳金。
TEDA has eliminated all the administrative fees concerning operation of enterprises, except for three fees required by State laws: Enterprise Registration Fee, Tax Registration Fee and Land Use Fee. 天津开发区取消了除国家法律规定的工商注册费、税务登记费、国有土地使用费之外的一切涉及企业的行政性收费。
As for the cost of the equipment and technology, we will use the assembling fee to pay for it. 至于设备和技术的价款,我们使用装配费来支付。
Nokia and Microsoft would use their patent pools to protect the ecosystem and encourage others who may be taking advantage of our patents to be properly licensed for the use of those patents – at a fee. 诺基亚和微软将利用它们的专利池来保护这个生态系统,鼓励其它可能利用我们专利的公司付费获得使用这些专利的正式许可。
If a site use fee is being contributed as an investment by a Chinese venturer, it shall not be adjusted during the term of the contract. 场地使用费作为中国合营者投资的,在该合同期限内不得调整。
The local taxation authorities shall sort out the entities that default the payment of land use fee of foreign-funded enterprises and collect the fee in a timely manner. 对欠缴外商投资企业土地使用费的单位,主管地税机关应及时清缴。
Technically, the client should only be responsible for the fee charged by the airline for cancellation, because I can use the value minus that fee towards future travel. 从技术上而言,客户应该只负责支付取消航班的手续费,因为扣减手续费后的额度可以用于日后旅行。
Customers can use Wi-Fi for a small fee. 顾客可以用小小的费用就能使用无线上网。
The paper analyses the current status of collecting pollution discharge fee in Fujian Province in recent five years, and puts forward the concrete measures of implementing the Regulations on the Collection and Use of Pollution Discharge Fee. 分析了我省近五年征收排污费现状,提出了贯彻新颁布的《排污费征收使用管理条例》的具体措施。
Under the condition of market economy, the government charges to generally divides into for rule fee and two kinds of use fee. 在市场经济条件下,政府收费一般分为规费和使用费两种。
Farmland grade is a basic index to evaluate the quality of farmland and is the basis of making land use tax? land compensation fee and land tenancy fee. 农用地等别是衡量农用地质量的基本指标,是确定土地使用税、土地征用补偿及租赁费等的重要依据。
The Analysis and Advice of Implementing the Regulations on the Collection and Use of Pollution Discharge Fee in Fujian Province 我省实施排污费征收使用管理条例的分析与建议
Some thoughts on mineral resource compensation fee and mineral rights use fee 矿产资源补偿费与矿权使用费的几点认识
Use the FEE model of conceptual design and effects of effect knowledge base and examples to guide the design of new energy vehicles. 运用概念设计中的FEE模型和效应库中的效应以及实例指导新能源汽车的设计。
Most cities use the "initial installation fee and gas fee" mode. Natural gas is decided by government considering the business costs and reasonable profit of gas companies. So far, it has not yet formed a reasonable price formation and adjustment mechanism. 国内大部分城市居民燃气价格采用初装费+气价方式收费,由政府物价部门考虑燃气企业的经营成本和合理利润制定价格,未能形成合理的价格形成与调节机制。